
Our contact information

Where we are

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Via Niccolò Pittari sn, Block Palma II C.da Buttaceto 

095 293 9514



Contact us on Whatsapp



Via Niccolò Pittari sn,

Blocco Palma II C.da Buttaceto 

095 293 95 14  -



Via Niccolò Pittari sn,

Blocco Palma II C.da Buttaceto 

095 293 95 14  -


For years, we have been dedicating ourselves with passion and expertise to creating innovative packaging solutions



We are a testimony of growth, innovation, and dedication to the sector


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We specialize in the production of stretch films

In 2019, the company became part of the Sgroi family, well-known entrepreneurs from Catania for their success with Ovecar & C s.r.l., a leading company in the field of intralogistics and exclusive dealer of STILL. The goal was to diversify the offer and expand the range of products available to their customers.


From the acquisition until now, Alifilm has undertaken a path of expansion and modernization thanks to continuous strategic investments. 

With a constant focus on technological innovation, the company has seen a significant increase in its production capabilities, managing a production line consisting of 4 machines in series.
This development has allowed for the optimization of production processes and a significant increase in processing capacity.

In 2022, the company achieved an important milestone, working with over 500 tons of LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene), confirming its prominent position in the Sicilian stretch film market.

This success is the result of a combination of factors, including the use of high-quality raw materials, the implementation of advanced technologies, and a management focused on efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Today, Alifilm s.r.l. is synonymous with reliability and innovation, continuing to grow and evolve to meet the needs of a constantly changing market. Our history is characterized by a forward-looking vision and a solid foundation of traditional values that guide us in our daily commitment to offer cutting-edge packaging solutions.



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